Dairy industry
- Rearing and management of cattles like cow and buffaloes for milk and milk products.
- Dairy industries include production processing distribution and marketing of milk and milk products.
- Selection of breed:
- in india mainly cow's Buffalo's are used in daily farm.
- Breed selected should be high yielding good quality healthy disease resistant and suitable for the local climatic condition
Breeds of cow:
Indian or desi breeds of cow: Sahiwal, red Sindhi, gir etc.
Exotic breeds of cow: jursy, brown Swiss,Holstein fressian in which holstain is a highest milk producer.
Breeds of Buffalo's: murraha, nagpuri, surati, jaffarabadi, mehasana, nili etc.
All indian breeds of Buffalo's are good milk producers in which murraha is a highest milk producers.
Cattle shade: cattle shade should be spacious with adequate facility of feeding , watering and lighting
Cattle shade should have proper drainage system proper disposal of excreta and proper ventilation.
Cattle shade may be off tail to tail system or head to head system.
Cattle shade should have proper drainage system proper disposal of excreta and proper ventilation.
Cattle shade may be off tail to tail system or head to head system.